What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a skin condition characterized by a cottage cheese-like appearance that primarily affects the thighs, legs, and buttocks. Cellulite forms when individual pockets of subcutaneous fat under the skin push outwards creating an uneven and dimpled skin surface. For more information check here.
Can men and women both get cellulite?
Studies show that while both men and women can get cellulite, 80-90% of women will get cellulite in their lifetime while only 10% of men will get cellulite. For more information check here.
What are the main factors that cause cellulite?
While the exact causes for cellulite are unclear, it is believed that poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are the two primary contributing factors. For more information check here.
Can skinny people get cellulite too?
The short answer to this is yes, skinny people can get cellulite. For more information check here.
Can you get rid of cellulite permanently?
Studies show that cellulite cannot be permanently removed, however, if your goal is to reduce your risk of developing cellulite on buttocks or other areas of your body, there are a number of lifestyle changes that you can consider implementing right away. For more information check here.
How long does it take to get rid of cellulite?
There are many treatments available for minimizing the visibility of cellulite, and even reducing the risk of cellulite altogether. Examples of treatments are diet, exercise, creams, and surgery. Every treatment can have a different timeline and it depends on your own personal goals which treatment you go with. Download the free Ant-Cellulite Resource ebook that covers 82 ways to shrink cellulite. This ebook covers costs, session duration, and time to see results for 82 different methods for dealing with cellulite. You can get it here.
How do I get rid of cellulite on my thighs and buttocks?
Studies show that getting rid of cellulite in targeted areas can best be achieved through certain surgeries or some specific muscle-group targeted exercises. For surgery, liposuction and cryolipolysis, for example, are known for removing cellulite in very specific areas. For exercise, lunges can help tone the buttocks and thighs, and squats can help tone the hamstring and thighs. Download the free Ant-Cellulite Resource ebook that covers 82 ways to shrink cellulite. This ebook covers costs, session duration, and time to see results for 82 different methods for dealing with cellulite. You can get it here.
What is the difference between invasive and minimally-invasive and non-invasive procedures?
A procedure can be defined as non-invasive when no skin is broken or penetrated. A procedure can be defined as minimally invasive when doctors use a combination of techniques to minimize damage and trauma to the body, for example, less pain, shorter hospital stay, and fewer complications. An invasive procedure is a medical procedure that invades the body, usually by cutting or puncturing the skin or by penetrating the skin with medical instruments.
What is the best treatment for getting rid of cellulite?
This will depend on your own personal goals and preferences. It’s important to consider what your timeline is for treating cellulite and which treatment method you are most interested in. Exercise is not required to reduce cellulite, but some form of daily exercise can help especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle. Improving your diet is not required to reduce cellulite, but cutting down on processed foods and adopting a diet that includes a mix of whole grains, fruits, lean meats, and vegetables can help as well. And of course, surgery is definitely not required, but you can be sure there is a huge market for cellulite reduction surgery with positive results and studies to back it up.