Women go through so many changes in their bodies. When it comes to cellulite and stretch marks, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. "By some estimates, up to 90 percent of all women have cellulite," says Jennifer Chwalek, MD, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in NYC. Most women have this condition on their legs, thighs and buttocks. There are a lot of devices, creams, lotions, and wearable gadgets out there that claim to make your cellulite totally disappear, but because cellulite develops within the skin on a deeper level, it is extremely hard to treat.
Here at Cellulite Geek, we’ll help you sort out some ways to get through all this mess. We understand your struggles and we know that having cellulite is totally 100% normal! Even women with slender and fit bodies can’t escape cellulite. But if yours bothers you, we can definitely help you find a solution that can minimize the appearance of these unattractive dimples and get you on your way to a more toned and youthful-looking skin.