
Vegetarian Diet – Definition, Benefits to Vegetarian Diet, Getting Started

What is the Vegetarian Diet?

In this day and age, people are turning to different ways to take care of their bodies so they can live a healthier and more fulfilling life. One of the important aspects they focus on is their eating habits. This point is pretty obvious since a healthy diet is clearly essential for good health and wellness. They can choose a dietary plan that suits their needs to make food choices a whole lot easier. Although there are many diet options today, it seems that the Vegetarian diet is a classic that should be strongly considered by every individual, for a variety of reasons.

Vegetarianism, commonly known as a Vegetarian diet, is a way of eating that revolves around fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds and nuts. Since it is a plant-based diet, it primarily excludes meat, seafood and poultry. Although it still depends entirely on the type of vegetarianism being practiced, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

The Vegetarian diet is believed to have existed for centuries and was introduced in ritual traditions as a fleshless diet. However, the Vegetarian diet became even more popular in the 1970s after Francis Moore Lappé wrote “Diet for a Small Planet”. She asserted that following a Vegetarian lifestyle is a more humanitarian approach since meat-based diets contribute greatly to the global food crisis, and that meat production has a detrimental impact on the environment.

Nevertheless, this is still the case, which is why experts continue to advocate for plant–based diets since they’re good not just for our bodies, but also for the environment. Nowadays, there are many individuals who follow this dietary approach for a variety of reasons. Some people adhere to it for the purpose of protecting animals, others for religious beliefs and environmental concerns, while the rest follow it solely for its wonderful health benefits.

benefits to vegetarian diet

How does the Vegetarian Diet Work?

The Vegetarian diet works by shifting your daily eating habit to meatless, seafood-free, poultry-free diet to the maximum extent possible. As previously stated, this dietary plan emphasizes the consumption of foods that are packed with nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, among others.

Regardless of the type of Vegetarian diet you follow, the simple act of avoiding certain types of foods like meat and poultry is pretty straightforward. However, making healthy food choices and understanding what’s on your plate really matters to guarantee that your body receives all of the nutrients it needs each day.

What are the Types of Vegetarian Diets?

Vegetarian diets are pretty much known to everyone. In fact, it is quite common for people to assume you’re a Vegetarian when you don’t eat meat. While this is essentially true, there are actually some different kinds of Vegetarian diets out there that most people are simply unaware of. Basically, there are six different types of Vegetarian diets and these are the following:

  1. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Diet: In this type of Vegetarian diet, meat, fish, and poultry are usually not allowed, but dairy products and eggs are permitted. This explains the name Lacto, which means milk, and Ovo, which means eggs.
  1. Lacto-vegetarian Diet: Foods that fit into this category exclude meat, seafood and poultry, but include dairy products like butter, yogurt, cheese and milk.
  1. Ovo-vegetarian Diet: Ovo is the Latin word for eggs and an Ovo-vegetarian diet simply describes a plant-based diet that includes eggs while excluding meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.
  1. Pescetarian Diet: A person following this type of diet typically avoids meat and poultry, but can consume fish, sometimes dairy products and eggs in moderation.
  1. Flexitarian Diet: Basically, it’s a vegetarian diet that occasionally includes meat and poultry, which is why  it is sometimes referred to as a semi-vegetarian diet. Flexitarian is a combination of flexible and vegetarian.
  1. Vegan Diet: Although considered to fall under Veganism, a Vegan diet also falls under Vegetarian since it is a plant-based diet. It completely eliminates meat, seafood, dairy products, and other animal-derived products, as well as items that are tested on animals.

benefits to vegetarian diet

The Pros and Cons of a Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diets seem to have become more and more popular lately. This is not surprising given the substantial health and environmental benefits it offers. Not to mention its simplicity when it comes to the food you can incorporate into your meals. However, Vegetarian diets have their own pros and cons that you need to be aware of as well. The same applies to any dietary approach, as you must weigh both sides in order to avoid any possible risk or challenges associated with changing your eating habits. In the next section, we’ll cover the benefits to Vegetarian diet and its side effects to help you decide if it is something you should give a shot.

benefits to vegetarian diet

Benefits to Vegetarian Diet

There is no doubt that the foods we consume play a vital role in our health, especially since it enables our bodies to function properly. Among the many benefits to Vegetarian diet, here are a few worth mentioning:

  • Weight Loss: Losing weight may be easier with a Vegetarian diet. This is fairly obvious given that you’ll be cutting out certain types of food from your diet while consuming primarily fruits and vegetables. Also, plant-based diets contain more fiber than foods derived from animals, which tend to be high in fat and calories.
  • Improve Blood Sugar: The practice of Vegetarianism aids in regulating blood sugar levels. It has been shown to improve blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes. Apart from this, it allows the body to respond to insulin more effectively.
  • Reduce Disease Risk: A plant-based diet, like Vegetarianism, is rich in nutrients that help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. One study shows that Vegetarians, those who practice this diet, have lower cancer rates than those who aren’t. Additionally, another study found that it could help reduce bad cholesterol and promote heart health.
  • Save Money: Following a Vegetarian diet can save you money. Generally, meat, seafood and certain dairy products can actually be quite expensive, which is why cutting out these products may save you money in the long run.
  • Promotes Animal Welfare: Vegetarian diets promote animal welfare in one way or another. The elimination of meat and other foods derived from animals demonstrates opposition to the mistreatment of animals on some farms.

Side Effects of a Vegetarian Diet

While vegetarian diets may look healthy and promising, it is crucial to evaluate the possible drawbacks associated with this diet as well. This is to make sure that you’re prepared and won’t be surprised by any side effects you may experience during your journey to vegetarianism. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Vegetarian diets that are poorly planned or prepared can cause nutritional deficiencies, which can then cause anemia, thyroid problems, or fatigue. This can be attributed to the fact that you’re cutting out certain foods that are a major source of protein, calcium, and other micronutrients. Therefore, it is vitally important that you know what you eat and the nutritional value of what you consume so that your body gets the nutrients it needs.
  • Diarrhea: Plant-based foods that are rich in fiber tend to cause bloating, diarrhea, or bowel disturbances when consumed in excess. To avoid this side effect, it would be wise to limit fiber-rich foods and opt for oatmeal, potatoes, bananas, squash and the likes that aren’t known to cause this flare up at all.
  • Not enough Vitamin B12: Your vitamin B12 levels will fall because you’re eliminating foods derived from animals. If you are deficient in this important nutrient, you may suffer from anemia, depression and memory problems. It might be a good idea to take vitamin B12 supplements for your body, but be sure to speak with your doctor first.

benefits to vegetarian diet

Foods to Eat and Avoid on a Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diets are pretty straightforward when it comes to what type of foods you are going to avoid and what you’re generally allowed to consume. If you’ve decided to follow a vegetarian diet, we’ve outlined some of the foods that you can eat, as well as the ones that you should stay away from below.

The Best Foods for Vegetarian Diet

Although Vegetarianism can consist of simple fruits and vegetables, there are actually a large variety of foods you can eat on this diet regardless of the type you practice. Here are a few of them:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains like rice, oats, wheat and barley
  • Seeds such as chia and hemp seeds
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Healthy fats like olive oil and coconut oil
  • Meatless Proteins (i.e. Natto, Tofu and Nutritional Yeast)

Benefits to vegetarian diet

Foods to Avoid on a Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diets may have different restrictions on foods. You can choose to include eggs and ditch dairy, or you can simply incorporate both. Nonetheless, you should consider avoiding the foods listed below regardless of the type of Vegetarian diet you follow.

  • Meat and poultry
  • Dairy products and eggs
  • Foods derived from animals or easily mistaken as vegetarian such as:
    • Honey
    • Beeswax
    • Gelatin
    • Marshmallows
    • Yogurt
    • Hard cheeses
    • Anchovies
    • Refried beans
    • White sugar

Vegetarian vs Vegan vs Plant-based Diet

There are multiple dietary plans available nowadays, and it is understandable that people tend to confuse different terms. Veganism, Vegetarianism, and plant-based diets are among the terms that are interchanged mistakenly from time to time. Although they are similar, these diets differ in a few ways.

Vegan Diet: Veganism, or a Vegan diet, can be thought of as a type of Vegetarian diet because it excludes meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. People who follow this approach also take a stand against animal cruelty and exploitation, which is why they refrain from using products derived from or tested on animals.

Vegetarian Diet: Meanwhile, Vegetarianism focuses on limiting certain types of food in the diet and eats mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. In most cases it involves avoiding seafood, meat, and poultry, but it totally varies depending on the type of vegetarian diet being practiced since some can include eggs, dairy products and fish into the diet. Unlike Veganism, a person’s diet is the most important part of a Vegetarianism lifestyle. Those who follow this approach can still use a variety of items made from animals or tested on them.

Plant-based Diet: Plant-based diets, on the other hand, are somewhat similar to Vegetarian diets since they emphasize eating more healthy foods such as legumes, fruit, beans, and excluding meat, seafood, dairy products, and the like.

Essentially, Veganism and a plant-based diet are all similar to Vegetarianism, with the exception that Veganism also seeks to end animal cruelty. Nonetheless, these diets emphasize the consumption of plant foods and rely heavily on eliminating meat, seafood and poultry.

Benefits to vegetarian diet

Tips to Get Started with a Vegetarian Diet

In case you’re planning to give Vegetarian diets a shot, here are a few tips that can help you get started:

  • It’s always a good idea to take your time and plan ahead. Consider setting a date for starting your journey to Vegetarianism to keep things in perspective. Furthermore, you can prepare yourself and get the food you need.
  • While it may seem logical to stop eating certain foods (i.e. meat) cold turkey, eliminating them slowly might be more effective. Gradually transition to a full Vegetarian diet by making better food choices and eating plant foods until your entire plate is plant-based.
  • If you’re eating out, avoid meat whenever possible. Occasionally, restaurants disguise meals to appear vegetarian to entice customers. When you find it quite challenging, try these tips you to make it easier:
    • Do a little research about the places you’ll visit and look for restaurants that serve food you can eat.
    • Do not hesitate to ask questions especially when the menu is unclear. Also, try to substitute specific foods with something healthier, for instance, if there is bacon in your dish, ask for fruit or vegetables instead.
    • Let your friends know that you are a Vegetarian if you’re attending a party or going out to eat so they can prepare food that’s suitable for your diet plan.

Benefits to vegetarian diet

Is a Vegetarian Diet Healthy and Safe?

Vegetarian diets have been around for some time, and their popularity grows every year. In light of its popularity, we wonder: “Is Vegetarian Diet healthier?”. Vegetarian diets are undoubtedly healthy and safe. This is because it largely consists of plant foods, such as beans, fruits and vegetables, that are nourishing to our bodies.

In general, Vegetarianism provides weight loss benefits since it cuts out certain types of food and replaces them with fiber-rich meals. Apart from this, it lowers the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. These are just a few of the benefits that prove just how healthy a Vegetarian diet can be. It’s important to note, however, that avoiding meat, seafood, poultry, and dairy products may result in nutritional deficiencies.

Getting the Right Amount of Nutrients on a Vegetarian Diet

A body that lacks nutrients will never function properly. This is why even though you practice vegetarianism, you need to know the nutritional value of all the foods on your plate. This is particularly important since you’ll be avoiding certain types of food. Here are some fundamental nutrients you need to consider and include in your diet daily to keep your body well nourished:

  • Iron and Calcium: Iron and Calcium are essential minerals that our bodies need. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body while Calcium is crucial in maintaining healthy teeth and bones. Incorporate legumes like beans and chickpeas into your diet since they contain high levels of iron, as well as broccoli, kale, and turnip greens as these are rich in calcium.
  • Protein: Protein is one of the nutrients you need to remember. It provides you with energy and aids in the production of antibodies that protect against infections. Dairy products, nuts, seeds, and eggs are excellent sources of protein to replace meat.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Fatty Acids are essential fats that your body cannot create on its own. These fats combat inflammation, protect the heart and improve brain function. To get Omega-3 Fatty Acids from plant foods, you can eat walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds. You can also take supplements for this, just be sure to consult your doctor.


Benefits of Protein. Nourish by WebMD.


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Caspero, A. (2019, October 30). Building a Healthy Vegetarian Meal Myths and Facts. Eat Right


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Picincu, A. (2019, May 22). Side Effects of Switching to a Vegetarian Diet. Live Strong.


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The Vegan Basics. (2017, September 16). I Love Vegan.


Vegetarian Diet: How to get the Best Nutrition. Mayo Clinic.


Vegetarian Diet: How to Get the Nutrients You Need. (2019, July 22). Family Doctor.


Vegetarian Diet. U.S News.


World History of Vegetarianism. Vegetarian Society.


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23 Foods Vegetarians Can’t Eat (But Don’t Know It!). (2017, August 23). Oh My Veggies.



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